Membership Form

To join the Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum please use the form below.

Please tell us about the additional needs and disabilities your family faces, and the areas that most cause you concern.

All information given is protected by according to the terms of our Privacy Policy - it will not be shared with anyone outside of the Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum without your prior consent.

You can return to the Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum page here.

FANDF Membership Application


Please provide us with your address by using our address lookup or by entering your address manually.

Thank you for trusting us with your data. For extra peace of mind about how we keep your data secure and how we manage your personal data, you can read more information in our Privacy Policy.

Have a question?

Please fill in the form or call the SSAFA switchboard if you need to talk to someone directly.

0800 260 6780

Or talk to our Forcesline advisors online with our new live chat service.