Gifts in Wills

Protect their future by leaving a gift in your Will.

Help us reach and embrace our Armed Forces family with a gift in your Will.

Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most effective ways of helping the Armed Forces community overcome their personal challenges and rebuild their lives.

Right now, gifts left in Wills make up as much as a third of SSAFA’s fundraising income. It’s no exaggeration to say we absolutely rely on them.

We help tens of thousands of people every year: serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families. And the issues they are coming to us with are getting more and more complex.

A gift in your Will can help us meet this need and plan for the future. This extraordinary kind of support will help us carry on offering life-changing help to everyone who needs it – for as long as they need it.

By deciding to leave a gift to SSAFA in your Will, you can help protect our Armed Forces family for generations to come.

To find out more, please complete our online form to receive a digital and/or postal copy of our Gifts in Wills information booklet:

The difference you can make

Sometimes even the strongest among us need help. When anyone in our Armed Forces community finds themselves in need, SSAFA is the charity they can turn to. Very importantly, we also support the families and dependents of those in the Armed Forces.

To continue to give this level of support that makes a real difference to people’s lives, we depend on generosity of those who have kindly remember SSAFA with a gift in their Will. These vital funds help us provide services such as:

  • Welfare and wellbeing support – Our volunteer-led network offers practical, emotional, and financial support across the UK and overseas.
  • Norton House, Stanford Hall – Accommodation for family and friends, supporting those receiving treatment at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre.
  • Additional Needs and Disability support – Giving advice, support, and respite for military families through our Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum (FANDF) and Short Breaks holidays for families.
  • Stepping Stone Home, Gildea House – Providing safe accommodation for wives and children, relationships have broken down.
  • Mentoring – Providing personalised mentoring support for service leavers and their families, up to two years after they join ‘civvy street.’
  • Support Groups – Providing facilitated support for those within the service community, including those affected by bereavement.
  • And many others

Together, we can transform the lives of future generations of the Armed forces community. A gift in your will to SSAFA will make sure that whatever challenges someone in the Armed Forces faces, we will always be by their side to help them rebuild their lives with independence and dignity.

How your gift can make a difference

Write or update your Will for free

Your Will is one of the most important documents you’ll ever sign, so it needs to be right. If that sounds like a daunting prospect, don’t worry. We want to help make it as easy as possible.

SSAFA has partnered with two organisations who can help you write or update a simple Will absolutely free of charge.

The National Free Wills Network offer a free Will writing service for people aged 50 or over, provided by a group of fully qualified and regulated solicitors across the UK.

Bequeathed is a free online Will writing service, which provides expert support for people aged 18 or over, anywhere in the UK.

If you do decide to remember us with a gift in your Will, we would be so grateful – but rest assured, you are under no obligation to do so while using these services.

Download our free Will-planning form to get the important information you need to prepare your Will.

Your gift – large or small – will mean so much to future generations of our Armed Forces family.


Information for Executors and Solicitors

If you are the executor of someone's will, we have an information page that we hope will provide useful guidance, as well as showing how SSAFA can provide assistance.

This includes information about the different types of gift that can be made, notes about taxation, and contact information for SSAFA.